Wouldn’t you love to dine in this Paris café right now? Yes, but… I understand. You have work, family and other commitments. I have them, too. So in place of encouraging you to make a trip as I did last year, instead I’ll share with you a few things Parisienne that are more affordable (both in time and money) to help transport us there maintenant (now).
• Pandora – I have a station called “Pink Martini Radio” (here’s a little video of one of my favorite Pink Martini songs)
• Soundtracks from French Kiss and Amélie
• Soundtrack from La Vie En Rose, about Édith Piaf
• For just a coupe hundred dollars you can learn French on your own with the Fluenz DVDs. The owner, Sonia Gil, also has a fun series of travel videos online, some of which are set in Paris.
• French Kiss (see above under music)
• Midnight in Paris
• Amélie
• GirlsGuidetoParis.com
• BonjourParis.com
• LonelyPlanet.com
• A Moveable Feast – Hemingway’s last book about living in Paris in his 20s
• The Sweet Life in Paris – David Lebovitz’ book about food and the city
• Markets of Paris – a small, well-designed book filled with a list of all the best markets (food, antique, books & more) in Paris
• (Shamelessly) Bonjour 40, my own book. Now just 99¢.
Please share your favorite travel books, music, movies and more. Bon voyage!
7 Comments on Bonjour Paris Maintenant (Now)
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Yes, I’m tied down by a the “commitments” you named, and am insanely jealous! Though I DO get to go to good ol’ New Hampshire this weekend…does that count?
Every vacation–whether it’s across the pond, across the state, or even within town–counts as getting away form it all. Enjoy your long weekend!
Mille mercis ! Thanks for the recommendation for Fluenz. I have learned a lot via the Livemocha.com lessons and online community, too. This site also helps to “put you in Paris” for a moment: http://www.paris-26-gigapixels.com/
I love this Gigapixel site! Only it makes me wish my long weekend would be spent in Paris exploring those fabulous monuments. Sigh…
Another take on Paris: the NoWorriesParis blog. Merci! Enjoying your site.
Oh gosh, I barely touched on blogs! NoWorries is a good one, as is http://www.southernfriedfrench.com/blog/ (A good southern American moves to France.)
For images, this blog is lovely, too: http://www.parisdailyphoto.com/
Thank you for the write up! The webpage for the updated 2nd edition is http://www.marjorierwilliams.com/. I enjoyed your recommendations!