On Facebook, it’s important to turn away from writing, and speak to those who are following along.

Social media promotion is a big part of what authors are required to handle on our own, and growing a fan base takes more than just time.  More importantly, it takes a willingness to chat with readers in the right way, especially on Facebook.

Insights in writing
There has been the belief that introverted writers sit with a drink in hand at 10 a.m. being tortured by plot twists. Sharing honest behind-the-scenes details about my sober process, has helped readers see how I really write. A fellow writer, Steena Holmes, recently asked Facebook fans to help define traits of a new character. Her readers felt like writers for a while, connecting them to her story. Brilliant.

“Reach” is better than “like”
The world sees how many “like” my author Facebook page, but Facebook shows me how many people are talking about my posts with others. That number is my “reach.” So while I only show about 170 “likes,” my reach during the height of a recent promotion was closer to 550.

Inspiration and perspiration
There is a balance between waxing on about the research and the work, and providing an escape and inspiration. Posts with quotes or comments on the writing and book world get just as much interaction as longer opinion posts.

Tag and share
Give credit. If I mention another writer, a post, or a quote, it’s important to tag the photo or properly share the post to give credit of its origin. Writers supporting writers will get us all more readers.

What Facebook tips for writers do you have?

2 Comments on Sharing Writing on Facebook

  1. Love the “reach” vs. “Like” concept you offer here. I was in love with Steena Holmes concept of asking her facebook audience to help in developing her character traits.. I felt so involved in her book while getting to explore my own imagination.

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