Genealogy and the Daughters of the American Revolution
Many of my friends––and even family––are surprised to find out that I am a DAR. After all, I’m Canadian! Yet, it’s true.
Three of my grandparents were from the United States, and on my mother’s side, I’ve fully traced my lineage back to Jacob G. Klock––a senator during the American Revolutionary War. The DAR database helped me find my ancestors, via all those who have joined the DAR from the Jacob Klock line.

Ancestry DNA plus the DAR
Many of us this holiday season, me included, are hoping to have our DNA tests done to help us further define our heritage. (Right now has a holiday discount for gifting such tests.)
But DNA, and who we’re related to, is only part of our history. Understanding how or if our family’s contributed to who we’ve become as a nation is where the online database through the DAR comes in.
According to the DAR, “the DAR Genealogical Research System (GRS) includes free online databases containing information on Revolutionary patriot ancestors, descendants of those patriots, as well as the vast array of genealogical resources from the DAR Library.” You do not have to be a member to search the database.
Minority Revolutionary Patriots
The DAR is changing, for the better. More minorities––African Americans, Spanish, Native Americans, and others––are joining as a result of sources and initiatives the DAR helps provide. Advice and options for tracing minority patriots can be found here.
Have you had your DNA test done? Were you surprised by the results?
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