
The turkey has it right, I know. It’s not even Thanksgiving and yet here I am talking about gift-giving. This year, I’m working on a little something that will run on my blog for six weeks leading up to Christmas, so this is my only chance to share a fun holiday shopping list with you. I’ve gathered a few non-traditional ideas for gifts for the writers in my life. Yes, I see this is a little self-serving but I’ve given a couple of these before, and they were well-cherished.


Jane Austen Society Membership: Magazine, certificate, and more.


Turn a book cover into a charm at Artistry for Authors. Though I doubt Dan Brown would wear it.


An i-Tunes compilation of songs from the top 10 songs from  famous authors. For $36 you can give a commercial-free membership to Pandora–nothing stalls the pen like being interrupted by a “Now just $5.99!” commercial.


For those of us who write at home, and it is unclear to our loved-ones whether we are outlining our plot or looking in the fridge (often done simultaneously), I give you the perfect t-shirt.


For other tangible items, just type in the word “author” in the search bar at Etsy. Or pick anything from this Pinterest Ideas for Writers. Coffee of the month, and spa certificates for neck massages are always welcome.

FYI, here is also what not to give–pretty self-explanatory: Alcohol. Cigarettes. Cable subscription. Books about how to write better. A journal full of blank pages.